Project Management Tool

Manage your projects efficiently by controlling every stage of work. CRM will help you organize tasks, coordinate your team, and track progress.

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Ease of use

Designed for simplicity, CRM makes it easy to manage contacts, tasks and projects with minimal effort. A solution that everyone can master

Speed of work

Get the data you need instantly. The speed of CRM allows you to receive customer information, reports, and analytics without delay

Des analyses puissantes

Get powerful analytical insights that help you track customer behavior, performance metrics, and trends to make smart business decisions

Trusted by professionals

Our CRM system is chosen by businesses around the world. High user ratings are a tool you can rely on to succeed

Планування проєкту у форматі діаграми Ганта

Діаграма Ганта дозволяє зручно візуалізувати весь хід виконання проєкту, показуючи завдання, їхній статус і строки виконання. Завдяки інтерактивності ви можете легко керувати проєктом, змінюючи строки та залежності між завданнями без зайвих складнощів. Такий формат сприяє прозорому плануванню та допомагає команді залишатися сфокусованою на досягненні цілей.

Етапи вашого проєкту

Етапи проєкту чітко структурують процес роботи, роблячи його зрозумілим для всіх учасників команди. Від початкового планування до фінального завершення кожен етап має свої задачі та кінцеві цілі. Такий підхід допомагає відстежувати прогрес, уникати плутанини та ефективно досягати результатів у встановлені строки.

Convenient task management

With the help of the Task Management module, you can track tasks and their stages of completion, as well as prioritize the execution of these tasks.

Quickly create tasks

The system allows you to quickly create a task, select performers, and track its progress.

Project management

You can effectively manage several projects simultaneously using the system's functionality.

Gantt chart in our CRM project management

Our CRM system provides a convenient tool for project management - the Gantt chart. It allows you to visually plan tasks, control deadlines, and track progress. Thanks to this, you always see the overall picture of the project and can quickly respond to changes, ensuring the timely completion of each stage.

Project overview and statistics in our CRM

Our CRM system for project management provides project overview and detailed statistics tools. You can easily track key indicators, see progress on tasks, and evaluate team performance. This helps you keep the project under control and make informed decisions in a timely manner.

Task management in our CRM

Our CRM system provides convenient task management within projects. You can easily create, assign and monitor tasks, set priorities and deadlines. This allows you to effectively coordinate the work of the team and achieve your goals on time.

Corporate versions of Confidence CRM+ERP

For successful running of modern business it is very important to have a tool for maximum automation of all processes, it will always “keep a hand on the pulse of the company”, raise the quality of the service provided and free up additional time.


$ 19 / Month
Features :
  • One-Click Invoice Creation
  • Lead management
  • Payment records
  • Register of expenses
  • Create estimates and proposals
  • Knowledge base for customers and employees
  • Simple calendar of events
Learn more Try it for free!


$ 49 / Month
Features :
  • Everything from the Start package
  • Built-in tasks for employees
  • Sending surveys to leads and customers
  • Tracking goals
  • Company news
  • Excellent support system
  • Simple reports for quick analysis
Learn more Try it for free!


$ 99 / Month
Features :
  • Everything in the Professional package
  • Create additional custom fields
  • Automation of business processes
  • Advanced lead management
  • Integration with popular services
  • Detailed survey and financial reports
  • 24/7 support
Learn more Try it for free!


$ 199 / Month
Features :
  • All the features of Enterprise
  • Full customization of CRM for your business
  • API for integration with corporate systems
  • Additional modules (HR, warehouse, finance)
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Advanced analytics and reporting
  • Separate server and increased security
Learn more Try it for free!

Feedback from our customers

Find out how our system has helped other companies improve their business performance. Real success stories and experiences of our users.

  • NexusVibe

    "This CRM has truly transformed our workflow. We now manage leads and customer relationships much more effectively!"

  • Novobudova

    "We've seen a major improvement in our customer engagement since using this CRM. It’s simple, yet powerful!"

70/30, 60/40, 50/50 per stage.

Business in One Click!

To run a successful modern business, it is very important to have a tool to automate all processes as much as possible, which will allow you to always “keep your finger on the pulse of the company,” improve the quality of the service provided, and free up additional time.

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24/7 Support

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Content and functionality creation

The test period

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